Whole System health Consulting with Lee-ana

CMC registered, AcNZ member, ACC treatment provider

Specialising in Mental Health, Pregnancy & Womens Health with Acupuncture, Bodywork and Chinese Medicine.

services for your wellbeing

Offering both face-to-face and online treatments can accommodate different client needs and preferences. Mobile treatments are also available on request as are group sessions.

  • Chinese medicine has a recorded history dating back to the Mawangdui medical texts that were discovered in Changsha, China, dated 168 BCE (Shaw et al., 2020). This system is very different in language to conventional western medicine but parallels are becoming obvious with increased research into how the body and mind work (Evidence Based Acupuncture).

    An integral part of Lee-Ana’s Chinese culture understands that by balancing what we intake, overall harmonious health and well-being can be promoted. This may come through the senses, diet, environment, mentally, emotionally and or spiritually.


    Shaw, V., Diogo, R., & Winder, I. C. (2020). Hiding in Plain Sight-ancient Chinese anatomy. The Anatomical Record, May, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1002/ar.24503

  • Lee-Ana uses fine metal needles with gentle technique if using acupuncture in the modern sense. The oldest known ‘needle’ was made of stone from the Neolithic period (Zhu et al., 2021) and Lee-Ana uses stones as tools for acupressure, gua sha etc. The use of certain pressure points/acupressure is a fundamental aspect of Tuina (Chinese bodywork). Qigong brings in another element aiming for overall holistic healing and wellbeing.

    The integration of self-care techniques, such as acupressure and breathing/meditation exercises, are also used. These methods aim to empower patients, encouraging active participation in their healing journeys.

    ACC acupuncture and treatment is available for what is relevant to the injury.


    Zhu, J., Li, J., Yang, L., & Liu, S. (2021). Acupuncture, from the ancient to the current. The Anatomical Record, 304(11), 2365–2371. https://doi.org/10.1002/ar.24625

Book a free phone consult


Book a free phone consult 〰️

services for your wellbeing

The ability to offer both in-person and online sessions can accommodate different client needs and preferences. This flexible approach makes services more accessible, regardless of location or schedule.

  • Focusing on the physical, mental and spiritual, as well as healthy connection are thought important for overall wellbeing and whole system health by Lee-Ana. Health issues are addressed by incorporating a range of tools and techniques with the aim of trying to help patients gain more balance and harmony within their state of health.

  • Pregnant women have sought help for a range of health issues related to pregnancy from Lee-Ana. Some of these include morning sickness, fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, pre-brith preparation, and pain. Acupuncture and Acupressure techniques have been used clinically by Lee-Ana for managing pregnancy health and wellness without the use of medication.

    Balancing disharmony is a key aspect of Chinese medicine (CM) and is used by practitioners clinically for a wide range of health concerns, including womens health concerns in areas of gynaecology, fertility and pregnancy (Smith et al., 2014). Traditional acupuncturists use acupuncture for a wide range if issues during pregnancy. Post natal care and wellbeing are also though to be very important in CM and other indigenous whole health systems (Allison, 2017) especially the month after giving birth.

    ACC acupuncture is available for pregnant women to treat what is relevant to the injury.


    Allison, J. (2017). Golden Month : Caring for the World’s Mothers After Childbirth. Beatnik Publishing.
    Smith, C. A., Armour, M., & Betts, D. (2014). Treatment of women’s reproductive health conditions by Australian and New Zealand acupuncturists. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 22(4), 710–718. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ctim.2014.06.001

elemental harmony


elemental harmony 〰️

How does it work?

When it comes to whole system health there is no one regime or protocol for a particular problem or diagnosis. Every symptom means something and depends on the big picture of what is happening with you and your body, within the environment that you live. One symptom might mean different things for different people and can relate to areas in your body that are no where near the problem.

Lee-Ana has worked with many different conditions in clinic. Both things that come on suddenly, as well as long-term chronic problems.
ACC treatments only cover the injury that the claim is under.

Lee-Ana is happy to work with whatever you bring to the consult. She is experienced at working alongside other practitioners and medications with a diverse range people, of all ages, from all over the globe. Referral from other health practitioners is not necessary and booking a free 10-15 minute telephone consultation to find out whether this is something you want to explore further is encouraged.

Whole System Health Consulting with Lee-Ana

Resources to help you flourish


Resources to help you flourish 〰️